My Locations

My Locations enables you to assign and manage your Global Location Numbers (GLNs) in one place.

As supply chains have become more complex, the need for a single source of location and party information has become critical.

Why manage your location data?

Organisations are increasingly doing business digitally – sending and receiving data across business partners such as eInvoices that include party and product identities. Global Location Numbers (GLNs) are used to identify locations and parties digitally in the supply chain. It can be complex to maintain, find and share this data between business partners. My Locations provides an organisation with one source of location management for assigning, maintaining, finding and sharing GLNs.

My Locations by GS1 New Zealand

My Locations is a digital tool for assigning, maintaining and sharing GLNs and their associated data.


Assign GLNs to your locations

Maintain your location data in one place

Share and search GLN information on locations easily

Access your GLN information 24/7

Help facilitate e-procurement to take the manual burden out of purchase-to-pay transactions

My Locations in Action

All key stakeholders involved in the manufacture, distribution, supply, purchase and use of products and equipment can benefit from using My Locations. This includes suppliers and business owners, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and regulatory authorities.

If you have an NZBN, as a business you are entitled to two government-funded Organisation Parts, a kind of GLN. These are managed through the NZBN website.

Government agencies can access an unlimited number of GLNs. If you are a Government Agency contact GS1 to discuss  your needs.