Become a GS1 New Zealand Partner First name * Surname * Your email address * Your job title * What type of business are you? * Company registered in New Zealand Company registered overseas Sole Trader Incorporated Society Registered Charity Other (partnerships, trusts etc.) What is your legal entity name? * If you have a different Trading Name, please enter that here What is your New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)? * Don't know your number or whether you have one? Click here Please select your industry sector - Please Select - Agriculture Hardware Healthcare Food and Grocery Printing and Packaging Professional Services Retail Software Other Please select your annual turnover category * $0-1 Million $1-2 Million $2-10 Million $10-30 Million $30-100 Million $100-500 Million $500M-1 Billion $1 Billion + Unsure why we need this information? Click here to find out Please select your level of partnership with us * GS1 Business Partner GS1 Alliance Member Unsure what this is? You can go back and view our options here. Business street address * Business postal address (if different from street address) Business email address This it the main contact email address for customers to reach you by Business phone number * Website address (URL) * Your company logo * Services you provide (e.g. packaging, printing, labelling, NPC) * Company overview (detailed overview of your company and its offering) Please select your payment method * Invoice Credit Card To complete your registration, you must agree to the GS1 New Zealand Terms and Conditions I agree You must enable JavaScript to submit this form